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Academy Week: Problem Solving in Group Chatrooms!

User Profile: FrenchToast
FrenchToast August 17th, 2021
Hi all. Welcome to day three of our 7 Cups Academy Week heart Today is Group Leadership Development and Dynamics day and I have a fun activity planned for you all. GLDD focuses on the communication and leadership behavior of individuals within group structures. The theoretical and practical knowledge are used to explore the stages of group development, decision-making techniques, group dynamics, group problem and solving, group leadership skills, cultural sensitivity, norms, and interpersonal dynamics within groups.

So for this activity, we are going to answer three questions and use a problem solving template to solve these questions!
  • Identify a challenge in the group chat rooms.
  • How is it impacting the group?
  • What are the potential solutions to address the concern? (Include all technical and non-technical solutions)

Use this Problem Solving Template -

  • Problem (try to write it as simple and clear as possible):
    • Example: Chat room is not inclusive.
  • Solution (the opposite of the problem):
    • All members in the chat room feel inclusive.
  • Group Members will:
    • Greet and acknowledge all entering the room and encourage them to share their thoughts.
  • Group Leaders will:
    • Run daily check-in at X times in X room.
  • 1-10 rating of the problem (1 is really not good and 10 is great):
    • Current rating: X
    • After the implementation of the solution, the rating will be: Y
    • Due date check-in (rate problem again on 1-10 scale): Z
So, write here one problem you have identified, then a solution, and then follow the template! We are excited to see what everyone comes up with. It doesn't have to be very long, and can be a small problem you think exists. Looking forward to some insightful ideas and templates ~
User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 18th, 2021

Wonderful idea @anotherfrenchtoastclub ! 😄 out of quite some problems we have and are effectively working on , I'll begin with this lol -:

  • Problem -: Some chatrooms are inactive often
  • Solution (the opposite of the problem):
    • More engagement and Support
  • Group Members will:
    • Be more actively present and feel comfortable to share and talk , and support each other .
    • Participate in chatrooms , and various discussion sessions
  • Group Leaders will:
    • Lead more sessions in less active rooms to bump engagement
    • Encourage everyone to participate in a chat or a session
    • Be more regularly present in chatrooms so that members know that someone is there to talk to and receive support from
    • Outreach more members and listeners to participate in chatrooms regularly, highlighting the importance of group support
  • 1-10 rating of the problem (1 is really not good and 10 is great):
    • Current rating: 3
    • After the implementation of the solution, the rating will be: 8 probably
User Profile: FrenchToast
FrenchToast OP August 18th, 2021
Once you share, nominate three other listeners or members to do the same! To begin with, I nominate @kindLemonade @DigitalKnight @jovialButterfly6752!
User Profile: AllieSunshine
AllieSunshine August 18th, 2021

@anotherfrenchtoastclub I love this idea.

  • Problem (try to write it as simple and clear as possible):
    • Listeners and commods as well members don't understand neurodiversity and the effect can be seen in the chat rooms.
  • Solution (the opposite of the problem):
    • All members in the chat room feel inclusive. Listeners and commods learn ( I'm happy to train ) how to work with neurodiversity and carry there training into rooms where they can support members,
  • Group Members will:
    • Accept that members are different and welcome them rather then push away. They will also learn to be welcoming towards others.
  • Group Leaders will:
    • Reinforce positive interactions with neurodiverse members in the Rooms.
  • 1-10 rating of the problem (1 is really not good and 10 is great):
    • Current rating: 2
    • After the implementation of the solution, the rating will be: 7
    • Due date check-in (rate problem again on 1-10 scale): 5