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What is one thing you do everyday?

pip2106 May 10th, 2023

Hi!! I want to hear from you about 1 things you do everyday that makes you feel happy?

much love - 🫶🏻

pip2106 OP May 28th, 2023

Awe, oh my goodness!! That’s awesome!!

June 3rd, 2023

@pip2106 listening music at night

Contrasto95 June 3rd, 2023

After eating breakfast, I take a few minutes to play the guitar...not only is it something I genuinely enjoy, but it also helps me a's a way to throw out some of what I'm feeling hehe 🙂

sociablePineapple6265 June 8th, 2023

@pip2106 basically nothing , lately going through turmoil but i want to find at least two to three such things, planting sapling is one you may count.

windchimes1991 June 9th, 2023


Every morning and early afternoon, I enjoy three cups of coffee. I also enjoy my oatmeal breakfast when I have sugar, which I haven't had lately.

Beautifulhelper June 17th, 2023

Every day, no matter how busy I get I always make the effort to take out 20 mins to just relax and pray to God

MaggieListens00 June 17th, 2023


My morning cup of tea!

WavesandSea June 18th, 2023

Yoga and coffee, star gazing and reading.

blindEagle5652 June 18th, 2023

Listen to music - its how I remove the day I guess.

Derekfan7695 June 18th, 2023


Spend time with my two kitties 😺😺

Derekfan7695 June 18th, 2023


Enjoy the beauty of nature😀

StrangeYouNeverKnew June 18th, 2023

@pip2106 i go on walks every morning. it's like 5 kilometers each day. clears my head bc i think a lot while walking. also i get to meet street dogs so thats a well worthy bonus :D

Derekfan7695 June 23rd, 2023

Eat breakfast with my two kitties 😺😺

Derekfan7695 July 5th, 2023

Do my best to put good back into the world!

windchimes1991 July 11th, 2023


My favorite part of the day is drinking three cups of coffee, two in the morning and one in the afternoon. Also, Pip was the name of my guinea pig.

Enthenia July 11th, 2023

@pip2106 I try to do a picture a day. Two on days I don't work. The process at least takes my mind off of the mundane and general frustrations of life.

Megalomentaurus July 11th, 2023


I'm not sure, but every night... I usually snuggle with my plushie to help me sleep. Sounds silly, I know, but it helps me. :D

paytonfaye2005 July 11th, 2023

Cry, not happy at all

tallLion July 11th, 2023

I look at my reflection in the mirror, try to smile, look into my eyes, give my reflection a proper look and hand on heart ask myself how I can make myself happier. Yes Idc if someone sees me talking to my reflection, I actually verbally out loud say "what can I do for you today? How can I make you happier?"

Courageouspanda2022 July 11th, 2023

@pip2106 wake up, walk, work, 7cups, cook, eat, sleep on a loop.

Derekfan7695 August 10th, 2023

I do my best everyday and try to make a difference!😀

Megalomentaurus August 11th, 2023


Every night, I write in my journal about 3 positive things (about the day or myself) and 1 thing I'm grateful for in my journal. As well as 2 moments that remind me that I have done positive things in my life, no matter how small. These 2 moments give me a sense of "reward" and happiness.