Um..anyone have any suggestions of what I can do? parents want to take me out of school May 24 but school ends in June. I want to stay the rest of the school year but they won't let me...I'm frustrated and I can't help but cry about it. How can I try to convince them? Because there's a fun field trip, parties, a school dance, my friends, karate which I never want to leave, not even for a day. :(
That sounds frustrating. I remember being in a similar situation when I was your age and in school. How do your parents normally respond to you when you ask them for something? Can you explain to them what you have told us?
They usually ignore my opinions and just do what they want to almost feels as if I have no choice for things in my life. Even if they are small. I tried to explain to them how these activities are really important to me, especially since I will be home-schooled next year and I want to make good memories. My mom usually takes things I say into consideration and then asks my dad on his opinion, but he always just says "no". And when I ask why he just says "Because I said so and I'm the parent"
That is horrible, it leaves no room to reason. I am sorry to hear that you have to deal with that. I can understand why you want to make memories, especially with this being your last year in the physical school. Have you spoken with your teachers?
No...but that would be a good idea though
Yeah! When do you see the teachers again?
Tomorrow actually!
Oh that is good! What do you think you will say to them?
Most likely I'll tell them the situation but with a little less details