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Stigma Associated with Mental Health

Tazzie May 11th, 2020

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the General Support Community!

Please join us in our efforts to raise awareness surrounding mental health & stigma.

Social stigma is what most people think of when they think of stigma. In general, social stigma refers to supporting stereotypes about individuals with a mental illness.

Commonly heard phrases and stereotypes:

You are just sad.
Snap out of it
Smile more
It's just a bad day, you will get over it
Dont feel sorry for yourself all the time.

1. What causes stigma?
🔺Lack of knowledge and awareness
🔺Societal pressures
🔺Fear of the unknown
🔺Economic instability
🔺Use of unsupportive language towards people with mental health conditions

2. Effects of Stigma
🔺Lack of support
🔺Impairs the ability to seek treatment
🔺Low self-esteem
🔺Shame and guilt
🔺 Isolation

3. Strategies for Coping with a Mental Illness
Practice self-care |Use positive affirmations |Read stories about others, it will help you know that you are not alone| Learn more about ways to fight stigma.

4. How to support family, friends or someone you know is living with a mental illness?

What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation. – Glenn Close.

Watch this clip and answer the following questions!

1. What are some other stereotypes related to mental health?
2. What are some barriers people face today with access to treatment and support?
3. What healing words would you use for a person suffering emotionally?
4. How do you feel about the information shared in the video?
5.What is your take away message from this discussion?

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reliableApricot7972 May 12th, 2020

Thank you! I really do believe that many people just don't understand mental health, particularly if they've not personally experienced it themselves.

hipsta May 20th, 2020

@Tazzie beautiful clip! Thanks for sharing, I needed this.

1. What are some other stereotypes related to mental health?

That it is an excuse to get out of work so the sufferers are lazy; they want to be the centre of attention so they are attention seekers; they are doing this as some sort of revenge to cause discomfort so they are vengeful.

2. What are some barriers people face today with access to treatment and support?

There's a lack of therapists in developing countries. Therapy can be really expensive. Lack of support from family members often causes people to not seek therapy.

3. What healing words would you use for a person suffering emotionally?

You will make it out of it one day. No matter how impossible it seems right now. There's always light after dark, day after night!

4. How do you feel about the information shared in the video?

It's a beautiful video. Very inspiring. More people need to see this as it explains in simple words, complex issues.

5.What is your take away message from this discussion?

The support of people can be a huge factor in helping the sufferers heal. We need to be there for each other. Sometimes doing the smallest thing such as starting a dialogue on the matter can lead to someone's recovery!

SamuelFrancis May 11th, 2020

@Tazzie Thanks so much!!!

passionateCup3122 May 11th, 2020

Thanks alot for shedding light on this topic, we all need to learn about mental health and how to deal with its ills.......1-I think some people look at it as spoiling or a kind of crazy and emotional 2- some times there' are financial problems and it abig one ,sometimes people who surround don't understand how to deal ,And the hardest one there people deny that as it stigma 3- we all love you ..and I am here for day you will pass this or even u won't u will be learning how to deal with 4-the video was so useful and simple learner ,I hope many people see it 5- we all respect all people especially who struggle,....and try to make this world a better place

HappyDucky8 May 11th, 2020

My employer would not be supportive and would quickly find excuses to eliminate me. That is my fear

ShadowTag May 11th, 2020

Thanlk you

lovelyPudding4394 May 12th, 2020

Thank you! Great info!

lovelyPudding4394 May 12th, 2020

This is why, empathy is an important element/

lovelyPudding4394 May 12th, 2020

This is why, empathy is an important element/

HunterRose May 12th, 2020


1. What are some other stereotypes related to mental health?

"They just want attention..." Not quite - people with mental health issues need some attention and help, just like people with physical health issues do.

"It can't really be that bad..." Actually it can be. Just because you don't feel the pain of someone's broken leg doesn't mean they don't feel pain, and even if you have a higher pain tolerance it doesn't mean that they do - it's the same for mental health issues.

"It's all in your head," Yes, it is, just like brain cancer is all in someone's head. It's still very real, and scary when you don't know if it's something you can get better from.
2. What are some barriers people face today with access to treatment and support?

Feeling like you have to fake perfect mental health to be accepted, costs that insurance may not cover, the plain-old not knowing what you need because no one teaches you this kind of stuff - and that's in countries that do take mental health 'seriously,' - My own doctor tried reassuring me that my situation wasn't too bad when he hadn't heard my whole story, even though I told him I was suicidally depressed at the time - thankfully I had supportive people in my life at that time, including myself, and I had some good doctors/a good therapist in the past, so I continued to ask for help until I got another good therapist, and things have improved since.

I've heard some other members here on 7cups from other counties say that their countries don't take mental health seriously at all, so they can't see a doctor for it, and others say thier family and friends don't support them at all. They are really brave to seek support here, and I hope they continue to do so.
3. What healing words would you use for a person suffering emotionally?

"Hey, do you want to talk about it, or be distracted from it?" and "If you need to talk about it later, I am willing to listen." It opens the door to let them know that you are there for them, and they can go at their own pace about opening up if and when they want to. (Please never force help on people)
4. How do you feel about the information shared in the video?

It's a kind and simlpe way to say it without being condescending - I like it.
5.What is your take away message from this discussion?

We need to talk about mental health openly, get educated, and let people know it's okay to admit you're not okay, and it's okay to seek support. People around me have brushed off mental health (and physical health) needs when I was growing up, so that's what I thought I was supposed to do too. It took me years before I felt safe enough and like I mattered enough to ask for help.

Let's be supportive together in spreading things like this video with family and friends who are open to discussing it. Let's break this mental health stigma together, for the sake of our families, our friends, our neighbors, and for ourselves, by talking openly about our own struggles.

I struggle with depression, social anxiety, panic disorder, and other mental health issues. I don't deserve to suffer in silence, so I've sought out professional mental health support, and friends/family/listeners here for emotional support. It feels scary at first, and it can take months and/or years to see the progress you want to see, but it's worth it to get help. It's okay to ask for help too. It's good for you, plus it shows others that it's okay for them to ask for help too.

Thanks for the video/discussion, and thanks to anyone who reads all of this!

AddictedTealover98 May 12th, 2020
Thank you!

- Tea ☕ ||

azuladragon34 May 12th, 2020


1. What are some other stereotypes related to mental health? : Stupid, lazy, crazy, psycho, abnormal, making stuff up.
2. What are some barriers people face today with access to treatment and support? Family and society judging them for seeking help, fear of being found out to have a mental issue, lack of proper treatment facilities, issues with confidentiality.
3. What healing words would you use for a person suffering emotionally? You are beautiful no matter what and you are worth it.
4. How do you feel about the information shared in the video? I feel great and the video is very informative in a summary kind of way with images.
5.What is your take away message from this discussion? Don't be rude and stigmatise other people. Try to empathise with them without jumping to conclusions.

considerateCactus2454 May 12th, 2020

1. That someone can only have mental health issues due to specific circumstances or traumas.

2. Besides barriers like access to therapy and insurance issues, I have had trouble getting therapists to see how severely my mental health impacts my daily life.

3. I would definitely tell them that I am there for them. I don't have much concrete advice but I can always listen and let someone know they aren't alone.

4. I think it's a really good video for basic facts. It has a great format to start showing to young people so they can grow up talking candidly about mental health.

5. Truly anyone can suffer with mental health issues. I hope that once people feel comfortable getting help for minor depression and anxiety, we can prevent some more severe cases of mental illness.

fixMorgs May 13th, 2020


Thank you so much for this post. Someone needed to share this and say these words, and it's exactly what I needed to hear right now. So, just...thank you. Purple heart

- fixMorgs 🕊️|| Everywhere you go, Spread love. ~ Morgan Wolf 🐺

LexIris May 13th, 2020


1. What are some other stereotypes related to mental health? Lazy, attention-seekers, psychos, dangerous people, etc.
2. What are some barriers people face today with access to treatment and support? That support isn't readily available and/or the treatment is expensive for them.
3. What healing words would you use for a person suffering emotionally? The way you feel is normal and isn't something you need to be ashamed about.
4. How do you feel about the information shared in the video? I feel it's something that everyone should know by now but I'm also glad it's still being shared.
5. What is your take away message from this discussion? That just being there or someone and being open to talking about what they're going through can go a long way in helping them.

kiwifruit99 May 13th, 2020

1. What are some other stereotypes related to mental health? That someone is just being lazy, an attention-seeker, a trouble-maker, over-dramatic, etc.
2. What are some barriers people face today with access to treatment and support? Costs of treatment (therapy ain't cheap), transportation, waitlists that can go on for months, lack of appropriate treatment facilities and resources, lack of properly trained practitioners, cultural or language barriers, anxiety around the therapeutic process (i.e having to open up to a complete stranger), difficulty navigating the health system, fear of being seen as weak or crazy by family, friends, and society as a whole, difficulty in getting people (this includes mental health practitioners) to take you seriously.
3. What healing words would you use for a person suffering emotionally? I see you. Even if it feels like you're all alone, like you're the only one in the world who is feeling this way and that no one could understand what it's like, I see you.
4. How do you feel about the information shared in the video? I think it's a nice video that's easier to understand and can spark more discussion regarding mental health.
5.What is your take away message from this discussion? We need to continue to bring awareness to mental health issues and fighting against stigmas that permeate our society.

FinleyTews May 20th, 2020

1. What are some other stereotypes related to mental health?

--> Some common stereotypes are that new generations are getting too sensitive; people who have depression or anxiety are just "thinking too much"; people with psychotic/dissociative disorders are dangerous; those with BPD are inherently manipulative; a good diet solves everything; being depressed is "edgy";...
2. What are some barriers people face today with access to treatment and support?

--> Financial issues, other people's judgement, misconceptions, lack of awareness (especially in POC communities),...
3. What healing words would you use for a person suffering emotionally?

--> Open-mindedness, empathy and patience are key factors. Personally, I find "Whenever you feel like talking about it, I'll be all ears." is one of the best things to say.
4. How do you feel about the information shared in the video?

--> I feel that the message of the video is important and needs to keep being spread.
5. What is your take away message from this discussion?

--> I am reminded to keep fighting the stigmas and trying to be a good supporter for those who are affected.

softBreeze7534 December 31st, 2020


Thanks so much for posting this. The mental health stigma is such an issue in our society and it is stopping people from getting the resources they need. I'm glad you brought this up and brought it to everyones attention!

octopuses April 18th, 2021

@Tazzie I was told to snap out of it before, and it made me feel invalidated