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reframe this thought...I am shameful

daisylee September 22nd, 2016

I have trouble believing that I am worthy of love and acceptance from others even though I am obese.

enchantingSky67 September 23rd, 2016

@daisylee_on the contrary I think you are worthy to be loved and cared for ..because true love and acceptance has nothing to do with obesity and those who need you not be obese so that they can don't love you..they just love 'the fact that you're not obese' if they really loved you it wouldn't matter now would it?

Minyaa September 23rd, 2016

@daisylee You are worthy of love because anyone no matter how they look deserves love and happiness and acceptance from other people :) Your body shape didn't define you! :) Don't let your thoughts on your body make things hard for you :)

September 23rd, 2016


" i will practice being kind and loving to myself, and others will respect this."