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What if I'm not good enough

MusicalHipster September 26th, 2016

At times i get scared that im not good enough of a boyfriend and that im not doing a good job. I know that im being a good boyfriend but it still scares me because ive been verbally abused in the past so its created some insecurities in me. Please help...

Hopeful0001 September 26th, 2016

Only a good boyfriend would be concerned about being good enough to somebody else, or so I have read on the internet and I have heard. :) It's normal to worry about these sorts of things because you want to be the best for your significant other. It's okay to be scared

professionalPerspective60 September 27th, 2016


Hey there,

I can hear you have been left with some insecurities from past experiences, and it's okay to be aware of these, in fact I think it's a good thing, but don't over think things, believe in you and who you are, trust yourself because you haven't done anything wrong, be honest and true to yourself, and more importantly, enjoy your life, spend time making memories, I'm sure if there is a problem, your girlfriend would feel most comfortable talking to you about it.

All the best