The constant struggle will eventually end...
I've come to the conclusion, whether it is simply more for a need to stay sane, or real life experience, that the phrase "this too shall end" is something to live by. If it's a difficult situation, however difficult it may seem, there are support structures out there (one great one is 7cupsoftea) that can provide support if you need/want it. We're all in this together.
"This too shall end..."
I often find I'm lost in the crowd here when it comes to support. But thanks for trying to be cheerful. ^^
@mimameid I too find it's tough to find solace sometimes and have found the growth path activities to be the most beneficial. Sometimes just listening in group chats helps too. Group chats often remind me that we're all in this together.
@littleDog8604 Yeah I don't use certain aspects of this site that I don't find helpful, like group support. I ONLY go in there for guided discussions.
Unfortunately I haven't had the best of luck with helpful listeners except for an awesome few, but yeah group discussions are interesting to take part in. Being constantly reminded that I'm not alone actually doesn't help me much because it's just one of those cliches that in the end doesn't do a dang thing for you or the situation you're in. At least based on my experience. That's not to say I shun any kind of support. I'm very grateful for it since there's only so much people can do for each other over the internet. But hearing the same stuff said to you while your situation still stays the same can sometimes be discouraging.