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No Longer Repressing

JarofSeeds627 January 19th

I wanted to get to a point where I didn't repress the sadness and anger I felt. And I've found poetry helpful. I can still acknowledge and be mindful of how I'm feeling, even if it's in a really dark place. Sitting with the feeling will become less frightening and overwhelming in time. When I write poetry, and it doesn't have to be anything fancy, just freeform expression. It sounds ...silly? Sometimes? To myself at least but it's something I want to continue to do. It helps me feel the extent of my feelings without using unhealthy/unhelpful coping methods and then transform the mood into something I'm proud of. Maybe I could write down a list of topics that have been in the back of my mind making me feel stressed.

Tinywhisper11 January 20th

@JarofSeeds627 that's amazing breakthrough, well done ❤ turning your thoughts and emotions into art is a great way to express yourself. I love doing art and crafts. You should get yourself a special book to write all your poems in ❤ ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤