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Im scared to be successful because...

Wanttosmile October 26th, 2016

I will let people down on bad days..

Wanttosmile OP October 26th, 2016

Because im scared to fail again. ...

lindsayscheinermanLPC October 26th, 2016


"failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"

anytimes where you have been able to overcome what you've viewed as a failure?

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Wanttosmile OP October 26th, 2016

@LScheinLPC when things are not sustainable or business ideas dont work.

Tomboyktm October 26th, 2016

Because I doubt my ability to maintain success over the long term.

MidniteAngel October 26th, 2016

As you get more successful more people want to tear you down.

dreamingSunshine October 26th, 2016

@ Wanttosmile feel free to pm if you wanna talk about it, you are always awesome hearthowever you are, whatever you do

sporkchop October 26th, 2016

Because, although I'm not happy where I am, it's familiar and comfortable.

genericusername07 November 7th, 2016

Because I may become more distant towards people I know, like I wouldn't be able to relate to them anymore since I've achieve success and they haven't.

JRG1972 November 8th, 2016

I am scared to be successful because then I will have to face the truth about what is really behind my depression, if I always fail I won't have to feel pain of rejection.

crimsonMelon8700 November 17th, 2016

I am scared of letting my mum down.