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I just can't forgive myself

Blagfar October 12th, 2015

I remember every single thing I've messed up. Every failure, every disapointment... Everything, and i just don't understand how you forgive yourself how you can forget these things. It keeps me up at night, all the regret, wishing i could do it over.

I Guess what i'm asking is how do you forgive youself?

hereforu74 October 12th, 2015

Just know that you are here for a reason and the world couldn't be here without you, because everyone has their place in this world.

ShawnL October 12th, 2015

Hi Blagfar,

I've struggled with that as well. I won't go into the details, but I hurt someone that I loved over and over. It was there that I found you hurt the ones you love the most. I beat myself up over and over, always asking why I could be such a horrible person.

I came to realize that I wasn't a horrible person, and I'm not a horrible person. I performed some horrible actions, but that did not make me a horrible person. On first glance this seems like a minor difference, but think of this: the choices you, and I, made were the best choices we made at that time, by the person we were at that time. That person was a deeply troubled individual, who was just dealing with the world as best he could. He could not allow the world to love him because he did not love himself. And that hurt self, who in reality no longer exists, deserves our compassion. He deserves our forgiveness. He deserves our love. Even after all the bad things he did, he still deserves our love and compassion.

anchoredwithhope October 15th, 2015

That's something that's different for everyone and I would give you advice but it would probably just cause more harm than do good. So here's a hug. No matter what you have done, it's in the past. You can't change it. Learn from it and embrace it in the future.