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Hi. New to this.

memyselfandmoth February 18th, 2023

Hi. Don’t know much about 7cups but I thought oh well. I am really sick of social media but I guess I’ll try a couple more before I give up for good. I’m in a pretty bad place. Just sad. My life has been pretty crazy. I know everyone struggles and that some have it worse but between my trauma and mental and physical illnesses I am just feeling at a loss. I feel I have been trying so hard to make things work and I just keep getting reminded that that’s not how it works. So I’m letting go for a bit. I’m treating myself well. I’m ok. I’m not in crisis. I have a great therapist and good doctors. But I feel so alone. I feel truly, truly alone. I have no friends. And my family let me down greatly in a way I never saw coming that has shocked me. I feel like there’s a hole inside me that’s just growing more and more as I try to care less and less. :(

innateJoy9602 February 19th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that you feel alone and that your family has let you down. That can be incredibly painful and isolating. It's good to hear that you have a supportive therapist. I think that is a lovely place to start. Glad to have you here with us. Here if you need anything! <3💜

memyselfandmoth OP February 19th, 2023

thank you I really appreciate that

Justbreathingx9 February 19th, 2023

You are not alone. Every single one of us on here is with you. Trust me on that. We’re all with you.

memyselfandmoth OP February 19th, 2023

Thank you so much

crosswind47 February 19th, 2023

@memyselfandmoth Heyy buddy, just want to let you know that i am also at the same situation like you, i understand what you feel, you are not alone my friend, i just wanted to know you are strong survivor, we both are

memyselfandmoth OP February 19th, 2023

Thank you. It takes a lot sometimes, and a lot of self reflection too. Taking the time I need to understand everything I’m feeling and needing right now. I usually don’t do that but it’s helping me to hear from others when I put myself first

all of this is so hard. Stay strong and thanks again

memyselfandmoth OP February 19th, 2023

Thank you so much - I extend the offer to you as well. I wish it was easier to communicate to those who may not comprehend. Or at least, that they know they can’t comprehend but do not try to fix. I think it’s a trap we can all fall into, wanting to help, but I am learning that it is better to be understood first.

memyselfandmoth OP February 20th, 2023

I think so- I will try and send u a message if I can!

ThomasXiao February 19th, 2023


Hey buddy, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know what it feels to be really lonely, and I hated it. Please feel like home on 7cups, everyone is super friendly here!

memyselfandmoth OP February 19th, 2023

Thank you. This is the first time in a long time I have felt a bit encouraged online. There just seems to be no spaces left that even have the chance of being kind… but it seems pretty positive and supportive here, with everyone being so kind on only my first post. It means a lot.