Fill the hours
What do you do with your days? How's do you fill the hours? I don't like going outside much and will avoid at all cost unless I get a burst of desire to go out I won't do it. I spend my days not doing much, I come here, try and help a few people, I read a lot, but sometimes I can read a whole page get to the bottom and can't remember a thing? It's like my brain closed down but my thoughts are to active, what do you do to escape and fill the hours?
@Huggingarms I usually listen to music, or watch a TV Show. Maybe a movie sometimes. Some youtube channels are really great to make you laugh and when you laugh time passes really quickly. I sometimes spend my time organizing my agenda and try to decide what to do and when. Plan some fun activities, like starting a puzzle( or playing games online), or drawing something. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm good enough at drawing, so I find some coloring pages, print them out and color them with bright colors. That kind of helps me be in a better mood, too. It's great if you have problems concentrating. I love reading books, too, but lately my brain won't let me enjoy books as much as it used to. Also, tidying my room and/or desk gives me a sense of control of my environment and makes staying in the house even a nicer feeling.
Thank you, I am glad I asked, I didn't think to do that stuff you gave some good ideas I will have a look at the YouTube thing and do some colouring, I don't think I have colours but I can find something to make colours. I do watch tv but it's like sometimes I watch I'm just looking at it but don't know what's going on. I clean a lot, sometimes till the skin on my fingers are sore and I read stuff on the Internet, mostly to try and find out about what I feel and try to understand them, jhow I can make if better and things,, but it's not nice reading. Thank you @WhiteBearClub
I read mostly. but some other stuff I do is: cross stitch, write penpals (so I have to think of positive things to write ), play neopets (yes. neopets. just keeps me busy and distracted), cock, clean house, paint my nails, adult colouring book and browse the forums on here just to name a few.
Some people decide to do a course, home study course which often fills their time up something like open university or one of the colleges or uni's that offer home study courses. Or to take up a new hobby which they can continue to do even when they are at home eg jewellry making, art, cookery, crafts, photography.
There are so many possibilities of things you can do to fill the hours.
Reading is always a good choice. You enter this world of imagination and you can spend hours inside it without even notice. If you like to read then it's a great way to spend your time. Also, writing is a great choice if you do enjoy doing it. Imagination is an amazing thing we have in us that can make us travel to anywhere.
Watching movies of any kind. Explore the ones that aren't as known as the others, seek for those that teach a lesson. Or just watch an animated movie because who doesn't like cartoons? TV shows are good too.
You can play a game wether is a board came, a computer game or playstation, xbox, etc. You can try to look for the ones that will make you think because it will keep your mind busy without wandering to the thoughts you don't want to have.
Drawing, painting, sculpting. Anything that's creative it's an awesome choice! Not only you can relax while doing it and feel free but you can also create wonderful things. Creating stuff is always the best!
You can also dance, sing out loud, meditate, anything you like. You just have to find out what you like to do the most and do it or try new stuff and explore the world.
Hope this was helpful, have an awesome day!