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tealChestnut6477 January 8th, 2023

I've had emotions just bottled up for awhile and I've felt like crying for the longest. I'm not sure how to release it before I end up snapping instead.

innateJoy9602 January 8th, 2023


Perhaps writing or talking about it with someone could help release it. Or anything that usually helps you in these instances. <3 Crying is also okay! Sending hugs💜

tealChestnut6477 OP January 15th, 2023

@innateJoy9602 I finally ended up releasing last night with crying, writing, and reading it to my friends

spongbobishappy January 8th, 2023


I am inviting you to the Sharing Circle Chat room where you can talk / share with

other members of !! 😊

axelslittlespace00 January 8th, 2023

im going through the same thing, i snap at people but just inside im hurting and want to be loved but no one would ever love me because im mean

creativeLion1989 January 8th, 2023

@tealChestnut6477 I have been were you are right now. In fact, I bottled things up so much that I had a burnout eventually. Please, please consider: 1. You are fine! You are perfect the way you are! Your emotions and feelings are also normal, you are a human being! 2. Don't "fight" your emotions. Especially with negative feelings like anger, sadness etc we try to push them away since they are "bad". But: What you resist persists! When you are feeling sad or angry or upset: Let it out! Allow yourself to feel these feelings :) 3. Find outlets like others suggested talking to a person, joining a group chat, creating art, scream into a pillow, cry it out, write it out, listen to music that matches what you are feeling to help you letting it out... Feelings are like clouds, they come - and they pass. Just go through them instead of trying to supress them. That would be my advice :)

tealChestnut6477 OP January 8th, 2023

@creativeLion1989 I'm not trying to fight it it just seems like if I try releasing it, my body unintentionally fights it

creativeLion1989 January 9th, 2023

@tealChestnut6477 Ahhh, thank you for your explanation! I understand. Hm! Do you think this is because it just hurts so badly to feel these feelings, aka is it too intense?

tealChestnut6477 OP January 9th, 2023

@creativeLion1989 I'm not sure but I'm scared that if it doesn't release soon I'll end up snapping

independentHuman7043 January 8th, 2023

Same I have a difficulty to mage my emotions. So I’m keeping everything to myself and pretend that everything is ok. But I’m not ok. I hope you find a way to manage your emotions.

tealChestnut6477 OP January 9th, 2023

@independentHuman7043 thank you and you too

tealChestnut6477 OP January 15th, 2023

I finally ended up releasing last night between crying, writing, and reading it to my friends