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Can someone help me get unstuck?

dapperPond2037 June 14th, 2021

Is it possible to get unstuck or stop being depressed, or is it just waiting for the clouds to lift? Every night I tell myself tomorrow will be different. Then morning comes and things remain the same.

amiableBlackberry92 June 15th, 2021
. is possible to get unstuck, .have you tried therapy or meds?. I can say from my experience I wouldn't be here without both. My situation is CPtsd, anxiety and major depressive disorder. My severe childhood abuse and recent traumas had overwhelmed me and I got to a really scary place. I just wanted you to know that reaching out for help is for you not anyone else. It's like being your own hero/ savior. You made a great step reaching out here on 7 cups, ppl here are super helpful. Keep going for you. Remember your doing the best you can with what you know, I found some good ppl here, Best 💜 ABB

dapperPond2037 OP June 15th, 2021

@amiableBlackberry92 I went to therapy when I was a young adult. They tried me on different meds, but, the side effects were as bad as my anxiety and depression. But, with the tools I learned in therapy, I managed to function pretty well for many years. Back then, I was agoraphobic. The recent pandemic brought it all back to me. I am grateful to have found this site and others to share my feelings with, who understand. Day by day…

amiableBlackberry92 June 15th, 2021

@dapoerPond2037. Do you have a hobby? I use my paintings to raise funds for a children's Charity and I donate some to a retirement home. When it's allowed I may teach an art class at the home for free. I like helping ppl. Especially ppl that are stuck. Kids are stuck with whoever is their parents ( I was stuck in a bad place as a kid) and elderly are stuck in a facility for different health reasons. If I can make some one smile for a short time it helps me feel useful . It's a mood lifter to help others. Just some ideas. If you have some skill making things you can figure out a way to help ppl. Even if it's from your computer. Like talking to ppl here on 7 cups. Sharing your story helps ppl here. 💜ABB

dapperPond2037 OP June 15th, 2021

@amiableBlackberry92 I like to walk, and do so whenever I can will myself to move. I also have 2 online pen pals who are also seniors that I message every morning and check in on. I am waiting for the Senior Centers to reopen so I can join, and meet other people. And, I am applying for another part time job so I don’t spend so much time in my head. 🙂👍

amiableBlackberry92 June 15th, 2021

@dapperPond2037...Well that is excellent! You are doing great, and 7 cups is a good place to get support. Personally I think your going to succeed because your trying so hard. ABB 💜

dapperPond2037 OP June 15th, 2021

@amiableBlackberry92 Thank you. With help and support of good people, I know all things are possible.

barncat June 15th, 2021

@dapperPond2037- my goodness your story really resonated with me. I also am retired and feel the same way. Each night I go to bed hopeful to get out of my rut. And now it is 1:00pm- still in my jammies. My feeling is the pandemic really socked a punch to us seniors. I too miss the senior lunches desparately- nothing like food and conversation.

dapperPond2037 OP June 15th, 2021

@barncat I believe there are many seniors who waited for this time in their lives to travel and spend time with family finally, and then the pandemic took it all away. I feel like my clock is ticking and I should hurry up and live before time runs out.

barncat June 15th, 2021

@dapperPond2037- How true- was hopeful for some travels to meet up with my family. Not everyone has been in limbo. Have neighbors who travelled despite the risks. It does make me grateful for travelling out of the country before job changes.
Often wonder what I would have done differently knowing we would have a "year off".

Equinox56 June 15th, 2021

Hi there, sounds like yiu are in a rut, specially with the pandemic. If you want to chat privately drop me a line .