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small introduction

Vioxla March 12th, 2023

Hiya, I'm Viola.

Nothing much interesting about me, just games, music, transgirl, and looking to get help and help others the best I can around here. I start college in a day and I'm looking to gather all the help, support, kind words and love as well as meeting new people and getting along, as I prepare for this next big and scary step in my life. I wish all of you a lovely day/night and good health to all. <3

(Sorry if I did this wrong by the way, first time making a thread!!)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 12th, 2023


Yay for your first thread, Viola, you did so well. So lovely to meet you and wow first day at college tomorrow. How are you feeling about it?❤

I hope everything goes well for you. Rooting for you!❤

adventurousDime5780 April 1st, 2023


A bit late to this, but hello Viola! You are loved and wanted!<3

ChaoticListener April 2nd, 2023

Hey Viola welcome to 7 cups! ( ͡ ° ᴥ ͡ ° ʋ )ʕ ´ • ᴥ • ` ʔ└ ( ^ ω ^ ) 」what kind of games and music do you like? I play animal crossing lol.

alicethefrog April 5th, 2023

there for sure is something interesting about you. You are human! You love! You live! You have thoughts, feelings, things you do and things you love to do! Don’t undermine yourself please, everybody is interesting:)

buildabetterworld April 8th, 2023


Hi Viola, it's great to meet you! Welcome!!! Congratulations on starting college soon. It's totally understandable to feel nervous and scared about this next step, but remember that you're not alone. Many people have been in your shoes and have gone on to succeed in college and beyond.

It's great that you're looking for help and support as you prepare for college. This platform can be a wonderful resource for finding advice, guidance, and encouragement. There are many kind and supportive people here who are willing to lend an ear and offer their insights and experiences.

I wish you all the best on your journey, Viola. Stay strong, keep learning, and keep growing!!!