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i feel like i'm overwhelming myself??

stars4stripes November 15th, 2023

(i dunno what this would go under; i'm still new to posting :b)

So in my school i'm doing FFA and Speech and Drama and so sometimes events clash together. My schedule is a whole mess and so today i have a quiz, test, and project all due. I have so much crap i have to get done/study for and such little time for it all. I spent all night last night project working and i had speech and drama so no time for hw and so everything's not done and it's a mess and it pisses me off because this is why i was originally grounded and i'm just a mess tbh. I was meant to be cutting for my IT piece i'm doing and i didn't even finish that up.

Mya000 November 20th, 2023

@stars4stripes Hello there! It sounds like you're dealing with quite a challenging schedule. It's completely understandable that you're feeling stressed, especially with conflicting events.

Given your busy schedule, it might be helpful to prioritize tasks and create a to-do list to tackle them one step at a time. Consider breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. Also, don't hesitate to reach out for support— whether it's talking to a classmate about splitting tasks or seeking guidance from a teacher.

Remember, it's okay not to have everything perfect all the time. Take a deep breath, focus on what needs immediate attention, and try to allocate some time for self-care amidst your busy schedule. If you ever feel the need to talk about the stress, feel free to share your thoughts. Wishing you the best with your tasks!