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You will always be in my heart

User Profile: callmeRM
callmeRM November 10th

You've been on my heart a lot lately 

Its been a month since you passed

I think about your family 

I think a lot about your brothers

I coudnt sleep last night and all I thought was about you

I wish you have seen the impact you have left

I wish you could have seen all the heart that have broken with you gone

I wish you could have seen how much you were loved

I wish, I wish, I wish

I was thinking about you days before it happened

I was talking about you 

It feels like some people have forgotten

You will always be in my heart

Im so sorry 

User Profile: callmeRM
callmeRM OP November 10th

@callmeRM I want you to know that I think of you. That my heart is heavy without you, that if I have kids I will tell them stories of you. I will show them the books and movies, I will tell them the jokes. You will be forever engraved in the hearts of this universe. I know we disagreed on a few things that seemed so small now but felt so large then, despite it all I deeply cared for you and I know you loved us all. I want you to know every week on the day and time I will forever think of you, every month on the day I will forever mourn you and every year I will forever be overtaken by the shackles of this grief. You are a part of every breath that I take. You will never be forgotten cus a sole like yours is one in a universe. I will always think of your family, your brothers, your son and your girlfriend. As life happens there will always be a seat left open for you. I will always talk to you and look to the sky for you. I will always pray for you. In some ways it gives me comfort that you aren't alone up there, I would ask God for visiting hours but I know I wouldn't want to leave. You will forever be loved

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User Profile: callmeRM
callmeRM OP November 10th

@callmeRM I thought I was doing better but I relize now that I will always be broken without you. I need you here, even if I dont ever speek to you I need you here 

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