You ever feel lonely?
Like, really lonely? How do you deal with it? I'm not sure how to describe it in actuality, as even with friends you can still feel lonely. I always feel that its the worst at night when I'm alone with my own thoughts.
But I guess what I mean is having someone that really actually cares about you, you know? People can often say they worry or say whatnot about you, but there's usually a difference when it feels like someone really means it.
This goes twofold for me with relationships. I'm so inexperienced and I feel as if I wouldn't know the first thing to do when it comes to those that I can't help but feel socially behind in that way.
I would say in that regard I miss the social aspect rather than having an actual relationship with the weight that comes with.
I totally know what you mean about feeling lonely, like the deep-down kind that sneaks up on you, especially at night. It's like we all crave that real-deal connection where someone's got your back no matter what, you know? And relationships? Ugh, they can feel like a whole new universe to navigate. But guess what? Being a bit socially behind is more common than you think, and it's okay to take things at your own speed.
I've been in that spot too, feeling like I'm fumbling through the whole connection thing. But here's the scoop – there's no rulebook for this stuff. You just find people who click with the real you, and it'll all fall into place. So don't sweat it if you're not some relationship guru – none of us are, really. Just take it easy.