You Are Worth It❤️
You are worth it.
Even when you look in the mirror and don’t recognize who’s staring back.
Even when you feel like you’re drowning in doubt,
wondering if anyone sees you,
if anyone truly understands.
You are worth it.
You are worth it.
Worth every moment you’ve spent wondering if you belong,
every time you’ve questioned your own worth,
every night you’ve spent alone with your thoughts,
feeling like you’re invisible,
or like you’ve failed.
You are worth it.
You are worth it.
Worth the quiet battles you fight inside your head,
the scars you carry,
the hurt you’ve hidden so deep no one can see.
You are worth the healing, even when it feels impossible,
the self-compassion you’ve yet to give yourself,
the peace you deserve but still can’t seem to find.
You are worth the love that seems too far out of reach,
the warmth that seems like a distant memory.
You are worth the comfort that you’ve forgotten,
the kindness you keep giving to others but not to yourself.
You are worthy of all the things you’re too afraid to believe you deserve.
You are worth it.
Not because you’re perfect.
Not because you always have it together.
Not because you’ve never fallen apart.
But because you are human.
Because you keep going, even when the world tries to make you small.
Because you are here, still breathing, still fighting, still showing up,
even when it feels like no one notices.
You are worth it.
You are worth every step you’ve taken,
every tear you’ve shed,
every wound you’ve carried and every scar that has made you who you are today.
You are worth the life you’ve yet to fully embrace,
the joy you think you’ll never find.
You are worth it.
More than you know.
More than you’ve allowed yourself to believe.
You are worth it.
And when the world tries to convince you otherwise,
remember this: You always were. You always will be.
@brightaday Such powerful words. Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing this. 💓