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What is the Doubter and How Does it Play the Role of Being Us?

MetaMetaPhysics September 6th, 2023

This is an observation I've been having about myself, but it may be applicable to others as well.

Within me lie two selves. One is me, the real me, and the other is my Doubter.

The doubter does not feel confident in the sense necessary to succeed.

Failures cast upon the doubter make the entire person (us) seem to feel like a failure.

I have come to terms with the fact that this is a deep overreaction. We are not our negative emotions, no matter how firmly we stick to the conviction of that doubter's mind. The doubter is seeing a distorted, blackened version of the world, while the real me struggles to be heard.

The doubter seems to react to things, as if they were potential threats, when the real me wants to experience the reality in any way it presents itself. The real me is hoping to overcome change itself.

For in reacting to things and not considering consciously what we're doing, we begin to internalize a perpetual state of self-negating passivity. The real me is just trying to be human in spite of that.

The types of things that bring out the doubter are people we don't enjoy the company of, and circumstances that are stressful and constantly changing. The real me sees this as a chance.

Please take this piece of writing as something that came from the heart, not the ego.

Thank you.

toughTiger6481 September 6th, 2023


I think this applies to many people .. the doubter is always lurking waiting for a moment to start the negative thoughts for many.

The only key is dealing with the doubter by ignoring it completely or tuning out like background noise......if you give it time to work it will convince you of the negative.

MetaMetaPhysics OP September 6th, 2023


Very true, although I fear it's a big issue for people who fixate a lot or deal with a lot of stress.

The doubter seems to derive power from our focusing on it, it's true.

But nevertheless, ignoring it completely only works if we feel fully comfortable with ourselves.

What you said is true.

ifyouarenotbusy September 6th, 2023


You say as if this doubter was another person within you. It may even be expressed in the thought as an archetype of personality, but the doubter itself is a mere psychologico-emotional mechanism; it can't do of its own will, since only you possess will, and it reacts as you said, but that's the only thing it does. Imagine if you will an instant freezing of water, it reacts to temperature; only the doubter is of psychic substance.

No good or wise comes by ignoring it, since it will simply continue to react. Consider taming weakness by principles of strength.

MetaMetaPhysics OP September 7th, 2023


Surely, the doubter is another part of us, but a conditioned, maybe you could say constructed extension of ourselves. Also, it is egoic and defensive because it latches on to our fear.

But I can't deny that it's a part of me. I am willing to say that it's my will being weak. The truth of the matter is that I want to overcome it fully.

amusingOwl9957 September 6th, 2023

It’s not very easy to tune down the doubter. Ignorance is the key but many people don’t have that key to unlock their inner selves. Instead of ignorance they pretend. Pretend to be something they aren’t of pretend to be okay.

MetaMetaPhysics OP September 7th, 2023


People can easily escape their real self by latching onto a confident projection.

What I think is that, unless the person is truly overcome with self-love and a sense of great purpose, there is no world where that 'pretense' is any better than a strongly involved doubter.

A doubter is a liar - and we cannot lie to ourselves if we want to be better.