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People want others to fail the same way they've failed

helloCranberry5684 March 11th, 2023

Misery loves company. In all their years of life, some are aged 50 or 60 they did not learn right from wrong, only that this is subjective. The same thing that a druggie does when asking you:" hey did you ever try powder?" Blood boiling 🤬

Mdreaming101 March 15th, 2023


In a lot of cases, age is just a number. People just like to add age to wisdom, opinions, perspective, morals and etc. Sometimes aging doesn't make people the wiser or a better person. Children can be vicious but sometimes I think we see the worse behaviors in adults.

Ah - funny. In a disagreement, someone online passively attack me by saying that because of my opinion and perspective, I must be young therefore immature. They failed to notice that they are judgmental and immature by speculating my age and using that to determine why I was wrong in their mind. Sometimes a child has more wisdom than an adult. Sometimes an adult can spend an entire lifetime and be extremely vicious. My brother-in-law's stepmother is that kind of person. She's in her 70s but starting dramas with the children and greedy over what isn't hers. By the way, she has no mental disease or illness.

Misery do love company. Be careful.

miraculousParadise2759 March 15th, 2023

@Mdreaming101 So true, some great insights in your words. I've found that once you recognize the emotional maturity of someone and their desire to induce negative emotion the most effective action is to "not interact", to gray rock, not to become fuel to the fire of their already burning self contempt. Not arguing demonstrates such a strength of higher ground even the worst offenders back down and leave since you smother their ability to project. To be as emotionally immovable as a stone.

miraculousParadise2759 March 15th, 2023

@helloCranberry5684 Only those who have contempt for themselves wish the worst for others, particularly if they fail to recognize their internal matters are not everyone else's problem. They externalize because they've never learned to own what they're feeling, always to project. Irritating particularly when it hurts others mentally and physically. The best we can do is recognize them as a product of arrested development, children who stopped growing emotionally at a very young age.

MoonMerchant March 15th, 2023

@helloCranberry5684 hello, I want to share a bit. It is true, people will pull you down when they see you doing something and getting somewhere. And most of the times they do it subconsciously, because it has become their second nature. This started with my family and friends when I started going to the gym, they were okay with me losing weight but they did poke at me for not making noticeable muscle gains. I couldn't make them understand that it takes time and these kinds of poking hurt me. But, I kept on regardless, because it was for myself. If I let them get to me, then they win.

Do not give in to other people's judgements and comments. We got one life and we make our own decisions, free of others actions.