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Over Caring

User Profile: Lenaye8
Lenaye8 July 29th

My healing side/ down slide when it comes to me working for people. My heart is too big for places that are not in the space to grow. Loving my self along the way & eye got a bit lost while working for a company who halfway cares about us. Did my best to pull back and keep my heart calm. My heart was beating for my own practice… my yoga practice when eye began to pour into that eye am already seeing my self bloom. Eyem sooo happie foy myself eye have to over care about my passions so they can grow into a beautiful garden. This bounce back of self love and sticking to it is my peaceful place. Every day gets better💛🫶🏾

User Profile: AnnaTheArtist
AnnaTheArtist August 5th

@Lenaye8 Thanks for sharing this! I think lots of us can relate to not knowing when to stop giving. You're positive attitude is very inspiring!