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My old bracelet

BodhisattvaKuato March 19th, 2023

There is this bracelet I use to wear during a very negative state of mind. My mind was dark and I was suffering from all kinds of anger and hatred, many negative emotions.

I put it on earlier, thinking nothing of it. I haven't worn it in many years, during my darkest days. After a while of wearing this bracelet I began experiencing sadness and my energy level dropped. I began having vivid negative thoughts and it felt like I was falling into a dark place mentally.

So I sat for a minute and started to wonder what I did differently... And why this is happening. Then I saw my wrist and remembered why I stopped wearing the bracelet. It is charged with negative energy, the same bracelet I use to wear all the time while I suffered from intense depression and anger. All sorts of negative experiences. I haven't felt that way in a very long time.

As soon as I saw the bracelet and remembered I snatched it off and tossed it away. Now I am recovering after removing it.

The things you wear soak up your energy. Remember that. Buying new clothes can help you. The bracelet was black. Black absorbs energy and white reflects it. Black can absorb negative and positive energy and white reflects both.


Sleepwalkermw March 20th, 2023


Thank you for sharing this with the community. This is really an interesting experience you had.

I was never really the type of person to believe in objects holding energies, but am always open to listening and reconsidering my viewpoint... I would also like to point out how much of a role our psyche plays in this.

When we encounter a strong negative experience while wearing certain clothing, I think it is very natural that that exact clothing will trigger those memories in the future. For example, I still remember what I wore on the day my ex-boyfriend broke up with me. For a long time, each time I would wear those clothes and look at them, I would remember and almost relive the negative event. Therefore I chose not to wear them for quite a long while. Now it has been years since then and I now I don't feel any different than usual when wearing these clothes.

BodhisattvaKuato OP March 21st, 2023

I understand exactly what you're saying. But the bracelet did not trigger memories and it didn't remind me of anything because I never forgot my past. I put it on just because, no reason behind it. I am thinking of it now and it has no effects on my emotions.

I just remembered why I stopped wearing the bracelet, it has my old energy and it has a negative effect through prolonged contact (wearing, carrying or holding it for too long).

The thoughts I had while I wore it had nothing to do with my past.

I started to have very negative feelings, the way I use to feel during the time I use to wear the bracelet. Dark, depressing and energetically drained. Just touching it doesn't feel right. From my experiences your energy can attach itself to objects. This is the purpose of blessing items and why there are haunted items.

Sleepwalkermw March 21st, 2023


Wow! Well I must admit, this is truly extraordinary... now that you said this maybe I should consider throwing some of my stuff away too ๐Ÿ˜‚

BodhisattvaKuato OP March 21st, 2023

Yes, of course. It would be refreshing to do so, getting rid of all if not most of your old things would be good. That is a way to promote help promote growth. Your energy also attaches itself to your hair and this is why people shave their heads when they want to reset themselves energetically.

When you shave your head your energy goes up to your head much faster since you removed the hair which acts like a cap. Your energy travels upwards and it travels faster when you do this, like fizz from a soda bottle after removing the cap.

This can be drastic if a woman did it though because it can mess with their emotions (more than it would a man) but of course a person can get use to it.

blissart March 21st, 2023


Good to hear you could find some link with that mental state of urs with that object and sorted it out.

BeingDauntless5670 March 21st, 2023


I agree with you. I'm actually very careful of such things. If there's anything that I wore when I was feeling low or negative, I recharge it positively. I hold it in my palms and visualise good things. I can literally feel heat and energy in my palm when I do that.

1. You can also use use smoke from sage, but sage usually cleanses any energy that's lingering on the object, so the object is neutral.

2. You can also leave the object in a cup of salt. Salt absorbs all the negative energy.

3. You can leave it under sunlight or moon light because sun and moon have powerful cleansing energies. Exposing yourself to sunlight can make you feel much much better emotionally, emotionally more stable, and exposing yourself to moon light can make you much more emotional. You may start to understand the complexities of emotions more deeply.

4. You can leave the object in a copper bowl of water. Copper has cleansing properties and water carries memories.

5. It's important to also cleanse a new object because you never know people with what kind of emotions and intentions have touched them before. You don't want to have their energy seep into you.

That's all I have to say.

Love you

BodhisattvaKuato OP March 21st, 2023

Right. You mentioned smudging, salt and water cleansing. I use to cleans objects all the time and I am familiar with these methods.

SilentRaven99 March 21st, 2023

@BodhisattvaKuato I once had this experience with a magical black beaded bracelet that was sent to me as a gift for a donating a small amount to child trafficking. After my psychosis, I tried to retrace my steps all the time to figure out what I did differently that triggered my delusions. I remembered that I always wore that bracelet during my psychosis. So, it makes sense that the bracelet scared me because it reminded me of a time that I felt out of control. By snatching it off and throwing the bracelet out, I had a sense of control and my mind began to calm with relief because I provided my mind with an answer that it needed. But, was it really the right answer?