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My 2 birthday

pinkpineapple123 October 31st, 2022

Hi how are you guys?

Today is my 2 birthday most of you may be wondering what that is? it is the day of my adoption anniversary

I was adopted on this day a few years ago

I never really liked this day or celebrated this day but today I start to celebrate

I always hated this day because I thought Today was horrible because it was the day I never got to see my bio mom again

But today is amazing because it was the day I got my forever family

Today is the day I got to be loved ❤

Today is amazing

Today I got to meet my bio mom again I haven't talked to her since I was 2 year's old


I donated to 3 group homes

And I help kids that are trying to find their forever homes

I learned a lot and I know that times may be hard but they will get better

I start to celebrate today because I know things happen for a reason and because without my forever family I wouldn't be where I am today

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 31st, 2022


That's such a great shift in your thought process, super proud of you. Here's to celebrating *you*.❤️

pamharley003 October 31st, 2022


I also was adopted today 57 years ago. I keep a picture of my Mom and I when I was 8 months old on my desk. Funny part of my adoption our birthdays are a day apart. Happy birthday.