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It time I have to convince myself

User Profile: wittyMap7054
wittyMap7054 January 19th

It time I have to convince myself to take responsibility for

Taking responsibility of everything 

Not letting other affect my mood 

Auto mood swing will drive me crazy 

If I don't do anything to balance it 

I have to stop being victim of falling sick 

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 January 19th


I applaud you in taking this step.....

 WE often convince ourselves the opposite that we have no control.... i sincerely wish you success.  

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User Profile: wittyMap7054
wittyMap7054 OP January 21st


Thank you 😊😊😊😊

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very mature of you to decide take this step to better your self.

good luck going forward.

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User Profile: wittyMap7054
wittyMap7054 OP January 21st


Thank you heart 🤩

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