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I should make this a series istg

etherealnova April 10th, 2023

an ACTUAL conversation i just had with my mum:

Me: *goes on the porch to get a bottle of water* (we keep them outside to keep them colder)

my dog: *follows me outside*

me: *ties her to the dog leash because she hasn´t been outside today yet*

my mom: *laughs from the other room* you aren´t... actually... putting her outside?

me: yeah, she followed me out so i put her on the lead.

mom: why the *** would you do that? you know there´s a doordasher coming to bring us breakfast.

me: oh... (i forgot but i didn't want to say that because she would have accused me of manipulating her to ruin her morning ;-;)

mom: YEAH.. Haha. I don´t know why you´re trying to act stupid. You DEFiNITELY remembered that food was coming, like do you just not want me to eat? is that it? because i get enough of that from your brother. (my brother is 4 years old and does not have such malicious intents. neither do i.)

i just said sorry and went to my room because i didn't have the energy to fight. i literally woke up like 3 minutes before this happened. this is very mild compared to the other conversations we have, i will post some more in the comments. my mom is very erratic.(not an accusation or judgement... just a genuine observation. she seems to think that everyone in her family secretly hates her (most of them do but not secretly for abuse reasons) and that they all want to ruin her life by asking me to move out of her house. i think she´s bipolar but i don't know how to bring it up. i don´t want to hurt her in any way, but if she IS bipolar she needs to know, and to receive help. i know it can be very harmful to one´s own health and i don't want her to go through what she may be. i feel like this right here is a type of emotional harm people don´t talk about. ive NEVER met somebody that acts like my mom does.


toxic is toxic. blood doesn't change that.

etherealnova OP April 10th, 2023

post #2!!! just a regular argument but it made my blood boil.

so yesterday i had come out into the living room to tell my mom that I fixed my sims4 game. (she got me a new but used, extremely ¨glitchy¨ ps4. it would constantly tell me ¨cannot open application¨ or ¨you must close this application because the data is corrupted. delete and redownload (game name)¨ but no matter how many times I did and tried to fix the error, it would keep happening. so I decided to try deleting specific data files. i deleted the file ¨user data¨ and kept the file I had made for my character.¨

me: hey mom!

mom: what´s up? *updates me on her life rq*

me: okay... well I fixed my sims game! i will still have to delete it from time to time but you know, better than nothing.

mom: yeah. by the way. i know you deleted my account from your ps4 and turned off parental controls.

me: what? why would I delete your account? also I can´t turn off parental controls, you control those from the ps4 app. (she had made me a supervised account when she got me the ps4 but i have my own with my own email since i cant even open some games i´ve played for years.)

mom: don´t even try lying, when you were out of state i tried to get into your ps4 and there was a new log-in code on your profile. so you had to remove parental controls and the only way to do that is to delete my profile.

me: (why was she trying to get into my ps4???) that´s not how parental controls work, mom... certain accounts don't have to be on the ps4 to keep parental controls on.

mom: yes they do! I´ve had a ps4 for years, I'm older than you, i don't know why you´re trying to lie. i literally caught you red-handed.

me: OH! NOW I REMEMBER! no, literally mom, like two weeks ago i initialized/factory reset the ps4 because it was acting so janky, remember?

mom: yes, and then i put my account on it afterward. you wouldn't be able to sign in to yours if i hadn't.

me: that´s not how it works... you can put any account on any ps4 as long as you know the log-in info... no, not when we first got the ps4. two weeks ago. you did it with me! it was like 2 am and i couldn't decided on which initialization route to go with?

mom: you´re making this up. stop acting like you know what you´re talking about! i literally get notifications when changes are made to the ps4. I PAY for your account to be online.

me: (why is she going off-topic? this is bs AND has nothing to do with parental controls.) Um, you do NOT pay for my account to be online because psn is free and i don´t have ps+. i have had my own for years.

mom: i want the new log-in password to your profile NOW. write it down. this is your last chance.

me: the last chance before what, you lie to me more to try to exert authority from bs-knowledge? i put a paper under the ps4 with the code to my profile when we first got it. now it´s gone, so you had to have taken it. the password is 0226 (i can say this online because it´s like a screen-lock on your phone, except for only my profile and you can change the lock from ps4 to ps4. it can be two different passwords on different ps4s, and the only way you could get into it is by going to my house and using MY ps4.)

mom: what are you talking about? What the ***? the password is the buttons on the controller, not numbers. i´m indignant that you are lying to me.

me: the buttons on the controllers stand for numbers! Square is 0, up on the d-pad is 2-

mom: what´s the d-pad? that doesn't exist. please just give me the password.

me: (explains what the d-pad is)

mom: i don´t get it. just write it down.

followed by about half an hour of explaining the buttons i wrote down to her....

mom: now was that so hard for you? jesus.


it´s just a stupid fight but made me so mad. i´ll post better ones in the future.