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Is a drastic change in emotions okay?

celerysticker November 28th, 2023

Hello! I'd like some advice on whether or not such a big change in emotions (from really low to really positive) is anything to be concerned about. I know it sounds like a silly thing, so I'll give some background. Trigger warning just for mentions of suicide, just to show the contrast.

I made a post on November 20th about being in a really low place and how I took the first step to get out of it. In fact, I've been struggling with really low mental health this month. It was to the point that I was writing notes almost weekly. I won't get into little details on everything, but I did have a set plan to to do it. I tried to about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I planned to try again (fortunately I was so exhausted by the end of the day that I quite literally didn't have the energy to do so). I cried almost every day last week and I remember crying on Sunday from just being so mentally exhausted from life.

On Monday, I felt better and I felt like I was making progress. And today (Tuesday), I feel drastically better. I feel energized and alert. I feel motivated to work on all my school stuff. I feel like I can hang out with friends and joke and just be fun to hang around. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly grateful for feeling happy and energized, especially since I do have to get through finals next week. But it just seems a little strange? I'm not upset or anything at all, I'm just wondering if this is normal. I've had similar moments before where I was really down for a week or two and then I feel "normal". This is just the biggest difference I've seen yet. I hadn't been that low in awhile and I haven't felt this high (not literally lol) in awhile either.

Sorry if this is a lot, I just don't know where to ask this elsewhere. Should I expect to crash again? Is this just my mind's way of balancing things out? Any thoughts at all are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

celerysticker OP November 30th, 2023

@SociusVj thank you for being realistic and giving steps to look for and keep an eye on, I really appreciate that. And thank you for providing resources, as well as good steps to take next and being encouraging. Thank you for reading my ramble and being realistic about how to respond in the future, I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to send encouragement to me.

cloverisconfused November 30th, 2023

I feel the same way. I don't know what's wrong with me - i go through this roller coaster of highs and lows that seem a little extreme. like last week i was really happy and i felt motivated to do the things i wanted and needed to do. but now i'm just tired and lonely, and i can't stop thinking about how my friends must hate me. i can't make myself do anything, like a project that's due in two days - i have to do it or i fail the class but i just keep making excuses. all i want to do is lay in bed and cry.