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I am going through chronic emotional abuse

helloCranberry5684 June 15th, 2023

Couple of people I know abuse me by using the silent treatement, having psychosomatic symptoms or hanging up the phone in mid sentence whenever I say anything good or anything bad happened to me, whenever I need anything or just need to talk... They just cruelly cut me off.. sometimes this escalates into them blaming my social skills for it.

Clio9876 June 21st, 2023


Hi. I'm sorry to hear that. It would make me feel quite rejected if someone treated me like that. I know exactly how it hurts when you discover someone you thought was a friend or cared for you, doesn't have time or desire to hear you.

I wonder if these are good people to have in your life or whether you might be better off seeing if you can find other ways to meet your needs. 7 cups has some great ideas for things like that so I hope you are able to explore a bit and find something that helps you.

Good luck and best wishes.