Hi, it's me again
I am not a childish person, but I am sensitive. I don't know if you could understand what I mean or not but I just wish you do. And I'm not trying to be rude.
One time I was offended in teen community room. I said I will never again participate in one, but a kind soul told me to give another chance and I listened to them.
It happens to me few minutes ago, again...
Probably the offender wasn't planning to hurt me etc, but my point is, even 7 cups could be toxic.
Because it's in the nature of humans, but you have to learn to be a better human and won't do anything you like or say anything you like, it's the point of having manners, but here I am.
I probably won't enter tcr from now on, or leave when the person enters, not because that I'm a weak girl, but because I'm trying to end things that bothers me.
I'm looking forward to enter the adults room when I turn adult, Im more comfortable with them.
Today I learned that you encounters with mean people and you couldn't stop it from happening, but you could end and close your relationship with em.
But I feel proud, I act better and didn't offend the person like they do, I pray that I stay like this and improve. Don't give up on yourself, never lose hope, I know one they kindness fills the world, I just wish to see that day sooner.
@BlackBlueWhite I totally agree with what you said , the best way to deal with such situations is by leaving that person and not act in a bad or mean way. I think the best thing is to treat others the way you want to be treated. And you didn't have to say that you aren't weak because you surely aren't and it's normal to get annoyed by other people's actions . The way you dealt with that is mature!
Wish you all the best ❤️
@BlackBlueWhite I'm sorry someone offended you🙁 that does seem to happen a lot in group chats🙁 maybe not on purpose, but it still hurts🙁 do you use any of the other rooms??? Tcr isn't the best choice for you. But you handled yourself very well, you should be very proud of yourself ❤❤ hugs you tightly ❤ I know how upsetting it can be.
Thanks for being here, yes unfortunately it seems like this happens often.
Yes I suppose it wasn't on purpose but yeah....
I'm more comfortable in other rooms like relationship support group, your right.
Thanks for your kind words, I'm sorry you experienced being upset...
Thank you for the hug, you people already make me feel better.☃️
@BlackBlueWhite ❤❤ can't wait to welcome you over to the adult side ❤❤