Eternal agony with an alcoholic parent and me being too traumatized to move out
Mom was really drunk yesterday as she is when first shift and said terrible things. I tried to fall asleep but she was yelling at my sister three times this night and my sister was so helpless, she was yelling back. It hurts me for them to think i was peacefully sleeping because i was not but if i interfered, it would be World War 3. This place would blow. I had decided to move out to dad's appartment but all night i got nightmares about the place. I texted him just for support but since he doesn't understand it i pretended i texted to ask for internet and tv plan for there. He called me and said something that's cheap yes but it offers nothing. 20mphs wifi when i can get 200 for the same price but with contract and after 1 year, the price doubles. The thing is that idk if i can make it for one year or eternity. I haven't been there since 4 years. He told he moved the tv to the kitchen because the cable wasn't long enough. Also the fridge is dead. I had nightmares that the place was unregnisable, full of kids drawings on the walls and full of babies of neighbours who were asking where "the nice baby from the nice family was and if i bought the house" when im the fugging firstborn daughter. They said i can't be his daughter and be so old when he has a baby. Then wild animals appeared. They were on the loose there. Mom yelled at sis multiple times the night but i don't remember, i just remember i was scared. My sister was coughing. She's coughing really bad and mom was telling her to go to a doctor but sis was saying "don't annoy me more". This is a phrase from my parents. I woke up with that thing on my lips that happens when you're stressed and sick. I feel like some evil spirit gets into mom at night. I know this is delusional. I get the vision of a picture of mom chicken sacrificing her legs to bake them for her kids and i feel like a jerk. I wake up and I'm crying. There's no help. I want to go to dad's appartment and work anything but im too mental too work. And it's only getting worse. I just woke up and I'm crying. I know i can scare you with being so real but i have nothing left than screaming for help
Crying and feeling overwhelmed is a valid response to all of this. You’re dealing with a lot right now, and it’s okay to seek help, whether it’s talking to someone who understands your situation or finding a safe space where you can express how you feel. You deserve support, and it’s important to prioritize your mental health. Is there someone you trust who you could reach out to, or perhaps a professional who could help you navigate these feelings?
Unfortunately there isn't. I text a listener and i call helplines, recently started going to the youth centre but i still feel trapped and alone