Do you know song “Sincere” by Bayonne?
So this is random….I like this song. It has a background voice saying something and I’m not sure what it’s about. Google is no help. Anyone know what I’m talking about? Lol
@PineTreeTree I did not so I looked it up the background lyrics are
As I still recognise my intentions over my ears
I've made greater ones, I've made greater ones
But regardless of my peers
and if I beg for changes to feel my work is sincere
then I'll make this one, yeah I'll make this one
it's not something to fear
(Then while thing repeated again)
@Tinywhisper11 it's a deep message I guess she's just learning to recognise the life she led, and mistakes along the way🤔🤔🤔 what do you think?
@PineTreeTree Any sound engineers or Ultimate Vocal Remover 5 gurus who can lift the background for me? 😂 Just kidding, but I wish I knew how to do all that.
@PineTreeTree ahhhhh ok😁 yeah I knew that's what you meant 😎