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Need a hug? Free hug here!

GratitudeOverGreed September 8th, 2014

Sometimes a little things can make change in one life. One hug could release all the pain that burden one person. So free hug here. *hug*

diligentYard7147 May 8th, 2015

Strateforward im not the huggin type but big hugs to u friend.

gracefulUnicorn87 May 9th, 2015

I am sorry to hear that. I hope you can connect with your friend soon!

Big hugs for your :)

nightchanges May 8th, 2015

My online best friend is offline for many days :( i am so sad i wnat to talk to her ugh!!

Sunflower71 May 9th, 2015

I have the same problem, my Latvia friend didn't write me in these days, I don't know if she's okay or what, I am a little worried.

RoseIeroWay May 8th, 2015

**group glomp**

RoseIeroWay May 8th, 2015

you are all so amazing!

Riggers May 8th, 2015

Come On Everyone, Bring it in ;)

gracefulUnicorn87 May 9th, 2015

I am having a hard time trying to forget someone that really interests me, but he just wants a professional relationship with me. This forum is a great place to express my feelings and thought without being judged. Sometimes, I use this site as outlet and relax therapy to cope with some common stressful episodes related with this issue. Also, the natural surroundings and views of the place where I currently live inspire me to forget because nearby my place there is a lovely park where people come to have peaceful episodes. This site and peaceful place close to my home are my safe haven now.

indigoBeach9111 May 9th, 2015

Feel very low and alone, my best friend isn't around to talk with and I'm paranoid that I'll lose her. All sorts of things are running through my mind and I just feel very negative and can't find any energy to do anything. I just want to cuddle with my best friend and talk and just forget about my worries

mistpete75 May 10th, 2015

My uncle passed away this morning in the hospital. He was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer less than a week ago. I never got to say good bye to him. Give him a hug and a kiss and tell him "you know how much I love you and how proud I am", just like he always told everyone. 😭

PirateKel May 10th, 2015

why am i not worthy of love

AtYourService May 10th, 2015

PirateKel I am sure you are worthy of love!

AtYourService May 10th, 2015

*Distributes hugs to everyone*

DAG214 May 10th, 2015

I Love You All! 💕

gracefulUnicorn87 May 10th, 2015

So true! Hugging definitely can be considered as a powerful way of healing. It is known that hugging is very effective at healingstress. A simple hug lifts one's serotonin levels, and this brain chemical may create happiness in most people.

RoseIeroWay May 11th, 2015


Hopefulllama98 May 11th, 2015

*virtual hug*

Allen39 May 11th, 2015

Something I used to do when I was little-

I would take all my stuffed animals, especially the largest, and put them all together around me like a big hug from my fluffiest friends.

Here, everyone. Have a stuffed animal hug.

wittyRaspberries6293 May 11th, 2015

Necesito un abrazo, de esos que unen todos los pedazos rotos...

Robynlane May 11th, 2015

I wish someone would just hold me right now, and tell me that everything is going to be okay.

Philbear May 11th, 2015

*warm embrace* Everything is going to be fine, Robyn! You only need to believe, because you're an amazing person and with you anything is possible! :) If you ever wanna have a chat, feel free to message me at any time and I would be more than happy to hear you out.

versatileApple4527 May 11th, 2015

I've had a really rough weekend and I graduate from college on Saturday. It's Senior Week and I don't know how I'm mentally and emotionally going to handle everything, especially with the events that have happened in the past two months. My boyfriend broke up with me and I feel like all of my friends have deserted me. I don't know how I can be happy and enjoy this last hurrah of my college experience. Good thoughts and advice would be appreciate it. I could really use a friend.

OptimisticOmega May 12th, 2015


Allen39 May 13th, 2015

If there's anyone out there having a bad day/week, so am I. Let's share our sad feelings and embrace them instead of putting ourselves down for feeling this way.

Here, have a hug.

wittyRaspberries6293 May 14th, 2015

A big hug!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘

gracefulUnicorn87 May 16th, 2015

One virtual and big hug to everyone and have a great weekend!

Philbear May 18th, 2015

All the hugs for all the amazing people!!! smileyheart

FreeSpiritof75 May 22nd, 2015

I can never get enough ((((hugs))))

hai714 May 22nd, 2015

There is nothing but amazing God children all over this world those all the one I respect band if I could I will hug every single one of them

Allen39 May 19th, 2015

*runs and tackle-hugs everyone*

mark1818 May 22nd, 2015

I definitely need one

Seaway May 29th, 2015

((Hugs @mark1818))

GentleMom May 22nd, 2015

Hugs to {u} all...just because you're you. An original. And open-hearted. And willing to try. And brave. You're here--and that's reason enough. Mom loves you <3

affectionateDime175 May 23rd, 2015

I could definitely use some hugs. I'd been doing really well for most of this week, and then today it was just like I hit a wall :( I'm worried that I'm going to stay feeling this way and lose all the progress I've made.

Allen39 May 26th, 2015

Oh, those stubborn walls, physical, metaphorical, and emotional. Well, I hope you break through that wall soon and show all the walls how awesome you are.

That got a little random, but have a hug anyway (^////^)

gracefulUnicorn87 May 23rd, 2015

Tons of Hugs and many kisses for this great community!

miracle47 May 23rd, 2015

Yes, I could use a hug this afternoon. Thanks!!

affectionateDime175 May 23rd, 2015


May 23rd, 2015

Hugs for allsmileyheart

elisabetelopes20 May 23rd, 2015

*hugs* ♥