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Trying to be a better person, and completely understand/crystallize my identity.

RQuote March 24th, 2018

I'm looking for a long-term listener, but I've never actually talked to a listener at all. I still find it difficult to open up, especially without a lot of forethought about what I will say. And as much as I feel that I need to commit to something long-term, I'm still not sure if I can, but someone suggested that if I were up front about that, if a listener knows what to expect, then that wouldn't be so bad.

There are a few issues I'm dealing with.

I'm gender fluid, I think. It's the best way I've found to explain the confusing flip-flopping my brain goes through from day to day. (Then again, that could just be a kind of denial. I don't mind how things turn out; I just want to understand this better.) I really want a listener who understands things like this, more than anything, but for some reason, I didn't want to put it in the topic title.

I have frequent depression, and some anxiety. A lot of it is related to the above, I guess. Maybe not all of it, but a significant portion. I'm trying to build self-esteem and self-worth without being or feeling selfish. I notice the pure empathy some people here are capable of, the ability to encourage perfect strangers sincerely, and I wish I had that. I wish everyone had that. I guess I believe that a fully actualized person is capable of such things.

Thanks for reading, if you did. I'll be very impressed if anyone decided to try to be my listener. I've seen a lot of these that seem to go unanswered, and as tempted as I am to try and be someone's listener, I know that I really can't. It's a serious undertaking, and I don't blame anyone who doesn't feel up to it.

MistyMagic March 28th, 2018


HI, I read your post and I think you did very well openeing up here like that. I am surprised that you haven't tried a listener yet but that you think you may want a long term listener? Why not have a look at and see if you find a listener? And, it takes time to open up and trust.

RQuote OP March 28th, 2018


I guess I just don't know how to pick someone? I suppose it's a process of trial and error that I'm going to have to build up to. Thank you for your suggestion, and I'm going to work on it.

MistyMagic March 29th, 2018


Well i am on UK time if that fits?

RQuote OP March 29th, 2018


Okay. I'll have to get back to you later, as I'm six hours behind your time.