Gender Dysphoria Help
So, I am seriously struggling with my gender dysphoria and need someone who is supportive and helpful. I really hope I find someone soon.
Hey there. Hopefully a listener will see this and come along soon, but just in case, our LGBTQ+ community can be found here and these links I found may be of use? They can be found here -- one, two, and three. Other than that, maybe you could try browsing listeners according to their star rating and with the LGBTQ+ option selected? I've included an example below:
Hopefully this helps, and I hope you find a listener that you can connect with! Good luck!
@windflowers I have tried that several times but never can seem to find the best listener for me .
I see. Well, hopefully someone will reach out soon!
Have you tried the group chat? I've met many people in the LGBTQ+ room who can relate.
@Phthalo I get really scared in the chat rooms because of my anxiety and I know that I am safe there but I end up shutting down.
You can feel free to message me if you like :)