Fellow Asexual?
February 13th, 2017
I am wondering if there is an Asexual listener out there that I can talk too. Some of my stresses in life usually comes back to this sexualty I know I am. They don't need to be on regularly, however they have to be somewhat comfortable with the topic of sex because I am not 😂 which Is a huge factor. No preference in age or gender. I am a teen btw.
Thank you.
February 14th, 2017
Have you browsed the listeners with search terms? I'm not allowed to search for teens, but these are adult teen listeners who mention "asexual" in their profile (sorted by rating). Otherwise, have you checked out this subforum?
April 6th, 2017
Not sure if you are still looking for a listener who is also asexual but if so feel free to contact me!