This or that?
Choose between this or that, and then put another this or that in your comment for the next person! I will start with:
forum or chat ?
Computer. Xbox or Playstation?
Sorry my phone messed up lol. Xbox. TV or netflix?
TV (dont have netflix anymore) Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd. Travel to Paris for free or your childhood town for free.
Paris for free! Cold coffee or thick chocolate shake?
chocolate shake!
donut or pizza?
Pizza. Frozen or tangled?
Friday or saturday?
Elementary schoolor high school?
High school. Physical education or math?
@littleginger, I was thinking about putting the exact thing on there that you did when I saw the previous post about an hour or so ago.
Haha @whyme11 we think the same :p I'd choose P.E . I posted this during math :/
Math. Water park or tubing down a river.
Tubing down a river!! Tent camping or hotel
Tubing down a river! It is so fun!
Sun or the Moon?
Sun (: