This or that?
Choose between this or that, and then put another this or that in your comment for the next person! I will start with:
forum or chat ?
Movies. I've seen some great theater performances, but movies + comfort of my own house + food + someone you love = awesome rainy or blah kind of night. :]
Movies. I've seen some great theater performances, but movies + comfort of my own house + food + someone you love = awesome rainy or blah kind of night. :]
Movies. I've seen some great theater performances, but movies + comfort of my own house + food + someone you love = awesome rainy or blah kind of night. :]
Movies. I've seen some great theater performances, but movies + comfort of my own house + food + someone you love = awesome rainy or blah kind of night. :]
Movies. I've seen some great theater performances, but movies + comfort of my own house + food + someone you love = awesome rainy or blah kind of night. :]
Ummmm... 7 Cups must've been lagging a bit because I did not mean to post this 5 times, I swear!!
Movies. I've seen some great theater performances, but movies + comfort of my own house + food + someone you love = awesome rainy or blah kind of night. :]
Movies. I've seen some great theater performances, but movies + comfort of my own house + food + someone you love = awesome rainy or blah kind of night. :]
Did not mean to post so many times, I didn't think it was posting ! Argh !
Would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to be invisible??
To Fly!
Guess we like to be free rather than to hide.. :)
Fly; freedom is the what I want but I don't seem to know what freedom is.
Defintely have the ability to become invisible
To be invisible.