What Made You Smile Today?
Seeing my boyfriends twin happy again after loosing Cameron (my boyfriend who died) My friends have been trying to help me through the loss and they make me smile everyday
I hope things will get better for all of you. :)
I hope you get better soon too. Your boyfriend is watching over you and his twinfrom Heaven. :)
What made me happy today? Well, one of the greatest miracles happened today. The two most important people in my life, struggling with depression, was finally happy today. They smiled, a true smile, and I saw it. I couldn't be more happy. Seeing them be happy for once, makes me so happy myself.
What made me happy today? Well, one of the greatest miracles happened today. The two most important people in my life, struggling with depression, was finally happy today. They smiled, a true smile, and I saw it. I couldn't be more happy. Seeing them be happy for once, makes me so happy myself.
It posted 3 times XD and thats great that your friend smiled. one step closer to fully happy. Right?
What made me happy today? Well, one of the greatest miracles happened today. The two most important people in my life, struggling with depression, was finally happy today. They smiled, a true smile, and I saw it. I couldn't be more happy. Seeing them be happy for once, makes me so happy myself.
Great conversation with a guest on the site. :) Even though I did get a creeper today, I have been talking to someone who seems very sincere and seems to have overall good intentions :)
My music?️
Playing with dogs at my work ☺
My dad talking to me about his day.
Absolutely nothing made me smile today what a day
But your smile is beautiful so you should smile
I had an awful day but I just watched Mattg124 on YouTube and that made me smile..