What Made You Smile Today?
chatting one on one made me smile today
Talking about some funny staffs made me smile today...
Smiling is Free. Why not. I'msmile because I feel happy inside.
Finally got my broken garden fence fixed. I know, I know but it was burst for 2 years
Snapchatting one of my classmates whom I have a close relationship with
I helped my grandma (who just got out of surgery) make stove top cookies (her favorite). (:
I had a solo in church today and it went really well.
Seeing my brother happy :')
Went to the corner store because I really wanted some chips, pop, and a little something with a bit of chocolate. Got to the register, my total was five cents over what I had. The clerk looked at me when I told him and said, "don't worry about it, it's cool." That made me smile.
Nothing, and thats just sad...
*virtual hug* - I hope that helps at least a little
Thank you so much :)