What Made You Smile Today?
My cat made me smile. She seems to know when I feel more sensitive. On those days she doesn't leave my side
My dog is the same way .
In this morning, I thinks that s possible I can resolve one problem, yes 🙂
@quietBalloon8287 that is the way! One small step at a time. My sister taught me "inch by inch it's just a cinch, mile by mile, it takes a while!"
I worked past my phone anxiety and called my bank. It
@lazyKatz made me smile today😊
A message from you makes me smile anytime of the day
You're just a little girl as I will always remain a little boy and giggles and smiles and corner meaningful glances and some more smiles😊😊😊
If I'm making you happy what more can I ask for
Talking to my friend and (I hope) making him feel a bit better
my friend made me smile today
I looked out my window randomly and my breath caught because the sunset was just so perfect: a wide range of colors, contrast, and textures! The pinks, oranges, purples, and the dark blue! It was such a pure moment!!
My six month old son waking me up this morning! ☺️🥰
The feeling of sun on my face when sitting in the bus. It's rarely sunny here in the winter so it really felt like I was just.. alive. I can't explain it but that moment was good.
Our awesome president Trump made me smile with great American pride and unity
No upvotes? Dam democrates
I was dreading today because I knew I had to train someone new, I smiled today because that person called out sick!! Yay!! No training lol!!