What Made You Smile Today?
I performed a card trick to my classmate's daughter today. I love the look of wonder people get when they perceive something impossible.
I performed a card trick to my classmate's daughter today. I love the look of wonder people get when they perceive something impossible.
My dearestfriend Paul....
Realising that I'm not as much a big failure as I think I am
You are definitely not a failure.
Realising that I'm not as much a big failure as I think I am
Realising that I'm not as much a big failure as I think I am
No one is really a failure. You may fail at things you do, but that's what makes us human. Us making mistakes. We may fail at things, but us yourselves are not a failure.
No one is really a failure. You may fail at things you do, but that's what makes us human. Us making mistakes. We may fail at things, but us yourselves are not a failure.
Watching my aunt fall asleep in public and realizing that you have to find joy in the little things...
Bilal. :D
I have anxiety I think