What Made You Smile Today?
watching a funny episode of Community
Nice name @bluepineapple
thanks, you too.
Being with my best friend and goofing around by remembering good times.
I didn't feel guilty about eating lunch (: I actually enjoyed it. I'd forgotten how good celery, grapes and rock melon tastes.
Dancing in front of the mirror to a song coming on TV ! :)
Buffy and also seeing my best friend
so I've got a best friend that I consider as an older brother (on the contrary, he consider me as his older sister because we both talk our problems to each other). he wasn't himself for the past 6 and a half months.
today he's starting to change. he's coming back to his old self. and I'm feeling very pleased because I've been helping him to reach this state :D
i was able to make some coworkers smile even if I didn't feel like it.
I smiled this afternoon because after getting ready to give up looking for a new psychologist after mine got injured during the worse ice storm in my town searching has finally paid off. I was going to try and wait until my old one returned but not seeing a psychologist for four months with all the physical disabilities and losing classmates to suicide made me become more eager to find one sooner than later. Yes, am smiling and can't wait until next Monday for my appointment.
My cat fell over and tried to play it cool
The beautiful weather, good music, and texts from my amazing boyfriend.