What Made You Smile Today?
gentle flakes of snow falling from the sky......
My lovely friend The stars The sky
I made a neighbor smile today and that made me feel good. I cleared snow from her ramp and car and cleared her a path between the two in case she needed to go out.
My mum telling me how she and her friends were scared by a 'Luigi Board' back in school... XD
@whisperpillow, it made me smile to read what you just wrote about the luigi board.
@whisperpillow, it made me smile to read what you just wrote about the luigi board.
@whisperpillow, it made me smile to read what you just wrote about the luigi board.
@whyme11 - hehe, I'm glad it made somebody else smile too~ XD
The fact that there is a possibility that I won't wake up tomorrow.
@KiraDrowned why? Is everything ok?
Well because there is a possibility of that, and it would be painless. Like dying from helium. No need to cut no need to do anything, and nobody would blame themselves because of my death.
Seeing my little brother and boyfriend made me smile today☺️❤️