What Made You Smile Today?
goofing off with my littles :)
I watched the Los Angeles Rams play football on this Sunday and I found myself SMILING during the game. Although I don't believe this game is a win in the books according to the final score this is a win in my books because they came back so big and watching them play today gave me a big and genuine smile today and I am grateful. God is good. Amen.
Beautiful fall weather
Spending time with my Mom and my Dad.
Watching Tv with my freinds.
I went for a one hour walk which I have not done is so long. Felt amazing.
My one-year-old niece trying to have a conversation with my mother on the phone.
I was able to motivate myself to start exercising again.
i read a quote online today that made me smile..
the quote was
i choose to love you in silence, for in silence i found no rejection.
I choose to hold you in my dreams, for in my dreams No one owns you but me.
i choose to imprison you in my thoughts, for in my thoughts freedom is mine to decide.
My dog makes me smile