What Made You Smile Today?
My boss fired me for no reason and called today to apologize. Turns out she was given false information and took all of her anger our on me. I declined her offer to have my job back, but it felt good to be apologized to.
My sister made me dinner and sat with me watching TV all night
The fact my bestfriend is still alive... I love her so much..
Me and my family actually had a conversation without fighting
I smiled today when my friend, who I haven't seen in person for a while, asked me to come over and join her on an adventure.
My relationship fell apart last Thursday, but we're slowly picking up the pieces and working things out. The fact that we haven't given up on our love makes me happy.
I smiled today when I made my friend laugh.
today, someone told me I made their day; that I'm what makes them cheer upwhen they're down.
Sitting in the warm sun, reading a book.
The weather was finally nice enough to take my bulldog for a long walk tonight.