This topic is about short riddles, because not everyone likes to do the larger logical puzzles. If you do like those, then click here.
If you've guessed the riddle, you can immediately post another one yourself. Let's keep it going.
I will start with this riddle:
What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
My first is in FILLINGS, but not in BRACES.
My second is in TENNIS, but not HORSE RACES.
My third is in PLAIN SIGHT, not in DISTANT SKIES.
My fourth is in CANDY STORES, but not in PIES.
My fifth is in STORMS, but not in the SEA.
My sixth is in RINGS, but not in JEWELRY.
My seventh is in a TILT, and also in a SPIN.
My eighth is in ICE, but not in GIN.
Is my ninth in DARKNESS, under a pall?
No. My ninth is not the ninth at all.
@DarkWolf the planets
Yes, that's the right answer! 👍
Mercury (used to be used for fillings), Venus (Williams, the famous tennis player), Earth (in plain sight under our feet), Mars (Mars Bars candy), Jupiter (Roman god of thunder), Saturn (has rings), Uranus (the planet is unusually tilted), and Neptune (Neptune Ice is a brand) while Pluto is no longer a planet.
Even with 2 clues I'm at loss with your last riddle.
@DarkWolf trouble?
I'm finding this riddle to be particularly hard🤔
One way I'm loose, one way I'm tight. Out with left, in with right.
What am I?
Most for the palate, some for the eye,
A gift to say "sorry", "congrats", and "goodbye",
I'm cotton, a name, and halloween, too
Taken with planning, or on the fly.
What am I?