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PineTreeTree June 7th

Oh life just got unnecessarily difficult and I’m feeling so overwhelmed and confused and disappointed in myself. I can’t say what it is. I don’t usually cry but I’m crying and I don’t think I’ll sleep very well. 🥲

CheeryMango June 10th

I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling this way. It's totally normal to feel overwhelmed and disappointed sometimes, especially when things get tough. Crying can actually be a good release, even if it doesn't feel great in the moment. What has been happening that has you feeling this way?

Tinywhisper11 June 13th

@PineTreeTree sits with you and hugs you tightly ❤ wipes away your tears. I'm sorry I didn't see this post earlier out time zones are very different I've noticed. You can always tag me when you're feeling down, because I don't ever want my little piney to feel down, or upset or anything other than fantastically awesomely great. Your a good friend and I love you ❤ I'm always here for you🤔🤔 unless I'm asleep. Then I'll be here for you as soon as I can🙂 hugs you some more, are you ok sweetie?

PineTreeTree OP June 13th

@Tinywhisper11 Oh thank you so much for your wonderful hugs and for caring for me Tiny. It really meant a lot to me to see your message. I’m doing better than when I started this thread - no longer crying, now I’m just frustrated. I love you Tiny! ❤️ So blessed to have you as a friend!

Tinywhisper11 June 13th

@PineTreeTree your so sweet, and I'm always here for you ❤ frustrated hey🤔🤔 I have just the thing for you...


PineTreeTree OP June 13th

@Tinywhisper11 purrrrrfect 😂

Tinywhisper11 June 13th

@PineTreeTree 😂😂