If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only three words?
I had two thoughts. 1) Words can hurt. 2) Try your best.
What would your note say?
Only accept respect
Be yourself forever...
To love yourself and to always take care of yourself. You are gonna change and those skin tight jeans you can fit into now will not be as easy to wear down the road. Appreciate what you have!
Eat healthier and take care of your body! Your metabolism will slow down alot and it will be so much harder to lose weight.
Don't bother ever having romantic feelings for anyone, seriously just don't. It will never be mutual, will cause nothing but pain and not to mention be permanently hated and shunned by your best friends.
Face it, you were destined to be alone forever as you are that flawed.
"You are enough."
Suffering brings compassion
People will love you and your stories. Keep writing and if the haters kick you down, get back up and laugh at them. Just to confuse them.
Don't Suffer Silently