If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only three words?
I had two thoughts. 1) Words can hurt. 2) Try your best.
What would your note say?
Be brave. Learn to be on your own. Defend yourself and let people earn your respect. Move out as soon as you can and whatever you do-dont go into debt.
oh 3 words-sorry
Just be yourself
Stop and think
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Dear Younger-Me:
There's going to come times where you're going to tell yourself "I'm going to do this" only for you to then decide "It can wait", "I'll just do it another day" or "When the time is right". When those times come, just go with your initial instinct and go for it because life moves too quickly. I'm 18 years old and I've missed out on so many great opportunities and still continue to do so simply because I keep postponing things more and more so don't let life pass you by because you only get one shot at life so don't waste it. Time won't wait for you so make the most of it whilst you still can.
I would of never gotten married at 19,but the best part knowing I learned from that person I made positive changes without that person
Believe in yourself
Eat food, dammit!
"Don't marry her."