If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only three words?
I had two thoughts. 1) Words can hurt. 2) Try your best.
What would your note say?
Let people know
Do your best.
Love yourself more
Don't trust anybody easily
Watch for light
quick!get out!
Never let go
If we were allowed more words I would say:
Dear younger me,
It gets better I promise. Sure right now you are severely depressed but it gets better. Please never let go. You may want to, a lot. But please don't. There's a girl who loves you and an aunt who cares. There's friends who support you and your blatant gayness. Don't ever change yourself for anyone. You are you. Sure you're tiny now, but you'll grow. Emotionally and physically.
Yes, she eventually stops. She does end up learning to control her anger. She stops, I promise.
Don't ever, ever, ever let go.
You are loved so so so much. Don't ever forget that.
Its not your fault. Snap, thats 4 words!
Always Love Yourself